Ask the JamFam: What's your go-to Spotify playlist?
Vikram Murthi: I don't usually use the playlists on Spotify, but the "This is Drag City" one is pretty cool.
Brianna Holt: Rap Caviar
Alphonse Pierre: Most Necessary
Larry Fitzmaurice: The playlists that I make for myself
Dayna Evans: I'm not much of a playlist girl, on account of hating the algorithm.
Winston Cook-Wilson:
Corban Goble: Rap Caviar, Indigo or Pollen (if it's not too sleepy)
Joanna Rothkopf: Feelin' Myself... sexy music to do squats to
Otis Blum: Indie Pop 2010s
Hunter Harris: Don't ask me how I found this but: "RY RY'S TOOT TOOT BEEP BEEP PLAYLIST." It's a great collection of disco from Donna Summer, Cher, Diana Ross, Rick James, etc.
Paul Hinkes: I have a playlist I've built with a friend called "the Blue-Jean Committee" (a la the Documentary Now! episode). It's the perfect intersection of Yacht Rock and Soft Rock: a medium-low heat for a Saturday afternoon.
For more responses to our survey, head over to the JamFam hub.
asked our writers about which playlists they turn to when they need a boost. Here's how they responded: